Diabetes is a condition wherein your blood glucose (blood sugar) will be very high than the normal values due to…
Diabetes: Never ever sugar coat it. | September 10, 2019
Diabetes Diabetes is a condition wherein your blood glucose (blood sugar) will be very high than the normal values due to- Less amount of insulin hormone, which converts glucose into usable energy (type I diabetes commonly seen in children, teenagers and young adults)
- Inappropriate actions of insulin (type II diabetes commonly occurring in adults aged 40 years and above).
- Most do not present with any symptoms
- Extreme thirst and hunger, frequent urination, increased tiredness
- Significant weight loss, impaired healing of wounds, numbness, tingling sensation of the extremities, blurring of vision.
- FBS or fasting blood sugar (? 126 mg/dl)
- PPBS or post prandial blood sugar (? 200 mg/dl)
- RBS or random blood sugar (? 200 mg/dl)
- Cardiovascular diseases: chest pain, heart attack, stroke, gangrene of peripheries.
- Diabetic neuropathy causing damage to the nerves leading to loss of sensation and pain, diabetic retinopathy affecting the eye leading to blurred vision, black spots, etc. and diabetic nephropathy affecting the normal functions of the kidneys.
- Infections: Infections indicate poor control of diabetes.
- Regular physical activity
- Dietary modifications - eating small frequent meals, avoiding high calorie foods like chocolates, sweets and other junk foods.
- Avoid smoking and abstinence or limit the use of alcohol.